Empowering early detection and personalized treatment.
Establishing familial connections with certainty and accuracy.
Personalized insights for proactive management and prevention.
Discover chromosomal abnormalities in fetus from mom’s blood sample
Uncover your unique heritage and ancestral origins.
Discover how your genetic makeup influences your response to medications
Early pan-cancer detection on blood samples, detects even few cancerous cells earlier than other methods.
Identify fetus gender as early as 5 weeks of pregnancy
DNA methylation influences gene expression, explored through next-gen sequencing.
RNA sequencing enhances biological insights, offering sensitivity and accuracy.
Decode genetic intricacies, linking variations to diseases. Unravel the mysteries for informed health.
Expressgene provides advanced Whole Genome and Whole Exome Sequencing services, ensuring high-quality data for researchers.
Access gene lists, requisitions, and consent forms for a detailed understanding of our genetic tests. Download now.